basic speech source code
A zip file containing the source code for this JavaFX and adding basic speech.
572 bytes
FreeTTS Java voice synthesiser library
The FreeTTS Java voice synthesiser library as zip file.
12 Mb
MBROLA binary files
The MBROLA binary files in a zip file.
115 Kb
US1 American female voice
A zip file containing the US1 American female voice for MBROLA.
6 Mb
US2 American male voice
A zip file containing the US2 American male voice for MBROLA.
6 Mb
US3 American male voice (Mike Macon)
A zip file containing the US3 American male voice (Mike Macon) for MBROLA.
6 Mb
JavaFX Speech Tester source code
A zip file containing the java source code for the JavaFX Speech Tester application.
5 kb